This is the nearest reliable ATM to my apartment. It is not English-friendly. This ATM, outside a 7-11, is serviced by Lotte and runs on the Korea Citibank network (which is not connected in any way to the USA Citibank). As a newb, I would usually prefer to take a much longer walk to the English KB ATM. These days, I don't have the gumption.
If you ever need to use a Korean ATM, know that it really isn't as bad as it looks. There are a lot of things on this screen, but only 3 will apply to most foreigners. On the left side of the screen (on many different ATMs, not just Citi), there are options.
- 예금출금 = withdraw money
- 계좌이체 = transfer money
- 예금조화 = account balance
Also, the message in the center is important.
수수료 면제 = fee waiver
This is generally scheduled around the bank's normal operating hours. In this case, fees are waived between 9-5 on weekdays and 9-2 on Saturdays.
Note: blue 학인 button is continue and the red button is cancel.
After inserting your card, push the blue button to continue. |
Select your transaction: 출 금 at top for withdrawal. |
Enter your 4 digit PIN number. |
Select the amount: 1 만= 10,000 won (about $9). |
Confirmation screen - including fee. |
Getting your money ready! ^^ |
Fees page - accessible with the grey button on the first screen. |
KB Bank has English on most, if not all of their ATMs. However, their fee schedule is still in Korean.
There are four main columns:
- KB bank customers (green) and non-KB customers (red)
- Service type
- Normal hours service fee (weekdays: 8:30-6, Saturday 8:30-2)
- After-hours service fee (after hours and Sunday)
The normal and after-hours columns are broken into two more categories for transactions below or above 100,000W.
The important things to note here are:
- The 출금 (withdrawal) row says that most KB cardholders will have their fee 면제 (waived) during 영업시간내 (normal hours).
영업시간외 (After-hours) fees are:
500W for 초과 (over) 100,000W
250W for 이하 (under) 100,000W.
- 이체 당행 (transfers to another internal KB account) are free for any amount.
이체 타행 (transfers to an account at a different bank) are always subject to a fee:
1,000W for 초과 (over) 100,000W
500W for 이하 (under) 100,000W.
Like all things in Korea, the details are subject to spontaneous change. ^^
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