Wednesday, April 11, 2012 -
* Sangnok I-dong - Ansan,** Ansan,educational materials,English bookstores
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Ansan English Mall
Our school closed a few hours early today! It is election day here and everyone has the day off to 투표 (vote). I decided to dedicate those bonus hours to visiting the English Mall.

I was very confused when I got to the elevator and found the directory. It took me a few minutes to figure this one out. I even walked out of the building again to make sure I was really in the right place. Do you see English Mall on here?

When I got out of the elevator, I still had trouble finding the store. There isn't a sign for it in the main hallway. Turning right off the elevator, there is a sign that says "401-1호 --->". That's the suite number of the store. (They don't refer to it the same way twice!) Following that sign, I arrived at this very nice looking store... which happened to be closed for the voting holiday. ㅠㅠㅠ

토요일 = Saturday 10-4
휴무 = Closed holidays (like today!) and Sunday
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