Monday, December 17, 2012 -
computers,korean language,survival tips
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Using 32GB USB drives on an old Korean computer
There is at least one solution. Microsoft issued an update to XP which allows for exFAT compatibility. Simply, the exFAT update gives the computer a way to read the data on drives with large storage. Before, I was limited to using 4GB cards and USB drives.
Installing it on your computer is easy, if you can avoid one pitfall.
1. Visit
This is the KOREAN download page for the KB955704 update. If you update using the English version of this file on a Korean computer, or vice versa, there will be an error and you will not be allowed to install.
It should automatically install. Click the proper buttons to accept the license agreement. You computer will then restart. When it does, plug in your USB and enjoy! ^^
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