Sunday, August 26, 2012 -
money / banking
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Ansan City Foreign Resident Tax Bill
The bill is standard for foreign residents of Ansan. Expect to get one. It's W5,000 if paid by the end of August, otherwise add 3% through October.
There are three ways to pay this bill:
1. An ATM money transfer to their Nonghyub account. (This did not work for me after several attempts. Nonghyub is listed on ATMs as NACF or NACP.)
2. Visit a local convenience store. It isn't stated it on the bill, but a Korean teacher on our staff confirmed that their website lists several convenience stores as payment locations. When you visit either website listed on the bill (wetax and giro), they will BOTH try to download .exe programs to your computer for some reason. Strange.
3. The wonderful accountant at your school can take the bill and your money and pay it online for you in a matter of moments.
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