Sunday, July 28, 2013 -
shoes,survival tips
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Fixing a Crushed Heel Plate
This isn't my shoe, but it does show the part of the shoe that I recently crushed. When finishing up at a place that requires the shoes to come off, I usually hold up the show when it comes time to put them back on. I've never mastered the art of sliding them back on as gracefully as everyone else does. This has caused me on many occasions to crush the plastic heel plate in the back. It got to the point where the plastic was so bent that it dug into my ankles when I walked.
I thought about putting a hairdryer on it and heating the plastic up enough to bend it back. Before doing that, I thought of a new idea while ironing. I set the back of the shoe on the ironing board so that the toe was pointed straight up in the air. Then, I put the iron in the foothole and pressed down, going side to side to follow the curve of the heel. I pressed down hard, held it down, and put the iron on the hottest setting.
To make a short story even shorter, it is 98% fixed. I don't feel any scraping or gauging when I walk. Saved $100 by not having to throw them away. Seems simple, but I guess not everyone has thought of this: